New Year

January 02, 2022

As my first post of the new year I decided to start a new blog written in Gatsby with react. I wanted to try out something new as well as continuing to mess around with react.

Hopefully as the year goes on I’ll be adding more features (like search) to this blog.

For a long time I felt like I wanted my blog to be about a specific thing. Then I remembered that it doesn’t really need to be about really anything. My main goal is just to write, and if that means writing about the most random of things so be it.

I think the only thing I’m really gonna do is make sure that I try to include a picture with everything I work on. No matter what I’m posting.



Gizmo just sleaping next to me while I write this.

Profile picture

Written by Matthew Therault who lives and works in the midwest building insurance things.